Classes summary
Vanilla_Widget | Vanilla Widget class. Implements a general-purpose widget, mainly but not necessarily, intended to be used in combination with ACF. |
Functions summary
vanilla_acf_change_relationship_field_post_order | Make the posts that appear in ACF relationship fields be ordered by descending date (most recent). |
vanilla_admin_add_svg_to_upload_mimes | Add SVGs to the list of allowed mime types. |
vanilla_admin_css | Fix various admin CSS stylings. |
vanilla_admin_favicon | Set favicon for the admin and login area. |
vanilla_admin_login_page_css | Sets the login screen logos to show the website logo and the Nevma logo. |
vanilla_admin_login_page_link | Sets the login screen link url to point to the home page. |
vanilla_admin_login_page_link_title | Sets the login screen title text to the website title. |
vanilla_config_cleanup_head | Cleans up frontend elements from the HEAD like print styles, etc. |
vanilla_config_die_handler | Registers a custom WordPress die handler for the Vanilla framework. |
vanilla_config_excerpt_length | Returns excerpt length according to what the developer has defined in their functions.php. |
vanilla_config_excerpt_more | Returns the posts excerpt suffix according to what the developer has defined in their functions.php. |
vanilla_config_jpeg_quality | Returns the JPEG compression quality level that WordPress will use when creating new images like thumbnail sizes, etc. |
vanilla_config_no_emojis | Cleans up and fixes various frontend details like elements from the HEAD emojis, print styles, etc. |
vanilla_config_no_texturize | Stops transformations of quotes to smart quotes, apostrophes, dashes, in post and comment contents etc. |
vanilla_config_return_die_handler_name | Returns the name of the custom die handler for the Vanilla framework. |
vanilla_config_setup_theme_support | Sets up capabilities that this theme supports. |
vanilla_debug_list_hooked_functions | Lists all hooked functions in the current request. |
vanilla_debug_show_wp_usage_in_responsiville | Show WordPress resources usage in responsiville debug panel (PHP time, RAM usage, MySQL queries, etc). This is done via Javascript. |
vanilla_debug_var_dump | Wraps a var_dump call in an HTML PRE element for convenience. |
vanilla_frontend_search_distinct | Extends the original database seach SQL query with a distinct clause to prevent duplicates. Meant to be used as a filter callback in order to extend the original database seach SQL query. |
vanilla_frontend_search_join | Joins the posts table with extra tables (e.g. postmeta or taxonomy-related tables), as required. Meant to be used as a filter callback in order to extend the original database seach SQL query. |
vanilla_frontend_search_postmeta_keys | Returns the meta_keys of postmeta that will be included in the enhanced front-end search. |
vanilla_frontend_search_remove_filters | Unhooks all the functions that are used by this module in order to enhance the main query in front-end search requests, so that any subsequent queries (other than the main one, that is) remain untouched. |
vanilla_frontend_search_setup | Sets all the necessary filters and hooks so that the default WordPress search is extended in order to search inside extended data associated with each post. |
vanilla_frontend_search_taxonomies | Returns the names of the taxonomies whose terms' names will be included in the enhanced front-end search. |
vanilla_frontend_search_where_inject_placeholder | Injects a custom placeholder comment in the original database search SQL query. Is meant to do so in an extremely low priority (early), assuming that the query has not been manipulated by third party code so far, in order to do a best guess and mark the point where the extra custom conditions that will follow should be placed. |
vanilla_frontend_search_where_replace_placeholder | Extends the original database search SQL query in order to take into account extended data associated with each post. The extended data can be post meta values and/or term names of taxonomies associated with each post. Meant to be used as a filter callback in order to extend the original database seach SQL query. |
vanilla_gf_uploads_require_login | Require login to download or view Gravity Forms uploads. |
vanilla_jetpack_stop_concatenating_css | Forces Jetpack to stop concatenating the CSS files of each features. This way only the CSS of the enabled Jetpack features will be included, while otherwise Jetpack is tricked into including all of them in the concatenated version. |
vanilla_theme_enable_responsiville_megamenus | Adds a class to the anchor elements inside WP Nav Menu items, so as to enable Responsiville Megamenu for a particular menu. The class is added (and thus the Megamenu is enabled) only if 'responsiville_megamenu' custom arg is set in the args of 'wp_nav_menu', it resolves to true, AND the particular menu item being processed has children (so that a Megamenu behavior makes sense). |
vanilla_theme_enqueue_css | Enqueues all the necessary CSS files necessary for the Vanilla framework to function properly on the theme side. |
vanilla_theme_enqueue_js | Enqueues all the necessary Javascript files for the Vanilla framework to function properly on the theme side. |
vanilla_theme_get_facebook_featured_image | Echoes a best-effort meta featured image (og:image) of the current post for social media sharing just in case nobody else has taken care of it. Even if YOAST is installed there cases, like the home page or the blog page, where no social image is output. |
vanilla_theme_get_first_available_image | Gets the first available image of a post's text contents. Meant to be used within The Loop to retrieve a fallback featured image for a post when the real featured image is not set. |
vanilla_theme_get_image_alt | Gets the alt of a given image as it is registered as an attachment meta. |
vanilla_theme_get_image_alt_html | Gets the best available string to be used as the alt attribute of an image in HTML. Returns one of the following, whichever is found first: alt, description, caption, title. |
vanilla_theme_get_image_caption | Gets the caption of a given image as it is registered as an image attachment meta. |
vanilla_theme_get_image_description | Gets the description of a given image as it is registered as the content of an attachment post |
vanilla_theme_get_image_src | Gets the url of a given image. Convenience function because WordPress does not have a direct way of returning this in one single function call. |
vanilla_theme_get_image_title | Gets the title of a given image as it is registered as an attachemnt post. |
vanilla_theme_get_site_logo_url | Returns the URL of the website's logo image, after passing it through a filter to allow overrides by child themes. The default logo of the website is expected to be found inside the active theme in the path 'img/logo.png'. The filter is 'vanilla_get_site_logo_url'. |
vanilla_theme_get_the_date_declined | Same as |
vanilla_theme_head_favicons | Echoes all the necessary favicons for the Vanilla framework. |
vanilla_theme_head_js_localise | Outputs localised Javascript variables with important flags useful in the theme, the vanilla framework and the responsiville framework all in their corresponding Javascript scopes (THEME, RESPONSIVILLE, VANILLA). |
vanilla_theme_head_scripts_and_styles | Enqueues Vanilla head scripts and styles. |
vanilla_theme_index_title | Echoes a meaningful title for the generic index.php page or any other page that might require a generic but meaningful title. |
vanilla_theme_is_page | Checks if a post has been set as the selected value for an ACF option field. It is developed in a way that resembles the WordPress core functions is_page(), is_single() etc. Meant to be used for custom fields set on options pages. |
vanilla_theme_replace_accented_letters | Replaces greek accented letters with their non accented equivalents. |
vanilla_theme_replace_months | Converts numeric representations (1..12, 01..12) or full textual representations of months in greek genitive case ("Ιανουαρίου", "Φεβρουαρίου", etc.), to the nominative case equivalent. All full textual representations are expected in (and replaced with values in) lower case, properly accented in greek, with the first letter capitalized. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_add_button | Adds the buttons of the Vanilla TinyMCE accordion plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_add_plugin_action | Sets actions and filters necessary for the Vanilla TinyMCE accordion plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_add_plugin_css | Adds the CSS styles for the Vanilla TinyMCE accordion plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_add_plugin_js | Adds the Vanilla TinyMCE accordion plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_content_shortcode | Implements the accordion content element shortcode. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_excerpt_shortcode | Implements the accordion excerpt element shortcode. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_header_shortcode | Implements the accordion header element shortcode. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_panel_shortcode | Implements the accordion panel element shortcode. |
vanilla_tinymce_accordion_shortcode | Implements the accordion element shortcode. |
vanilla_tinymce_add_action | Sets actions and filters necessary for the Vanilla TinyMCE . |
vanilla_tinymce_add_editor_styles | Adds default stylings from "vanilla/tinymce/vanilla-tinymce-defaults.css" to the TinyMCE editor and imports theme specific styles as well from "css/style.tinymce.css". |
vanilla_tinymce_columns_add_action | Sets up the actions and filters which are necessary for the Vanilla TinyMCE columns plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_columns_add_buttons | Adds the buttons of the Vanilla TinyMCE columns plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_columns_add_plugin_css | Adds the CSS styles for the Vanilla TinyMCE columns plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_columns_add_plugin_js | Adds the Javascript files for the Vanilla TinyMCE columns plugin. |
vanilla_tinymce_fixpdiv | Takes a string which is meant to have been produced by TinyMCE after the shortcodes have been applied and replaces P elements that erroneously enclose DIV elements. For instance, TinyMCE will wrap a [gallery...] shortcode inside a P element and then the resulting DIV of the gallery will be found inside that P, which is just not very nice. |
vanilla_tinymce_formats_add_action | Sets actions and filters necessary for the Vanilla TinyMCE custom formats. |
vanilla_tinymce_formats_add_button | Ensures the TinyMCE editor has a custom formats button. |
vanilla_tinymce_formats_add_styles | Adds custom formats contents to the TinyMCE editor. These formats are custom blockquotes, buttons, etc, which are found under the Formats dropdown menu of the TinyMCE editor. |
vanilla_tinymce_general_css | Adds the general CSS styles for the Vanilla TinyMCE plugins. |
vanilla_tinymce_remove_wpautop_filters | Adds the "shortcode_unautop" function filter after the "the_content" to ensure that the extraneous opening and closing paragraphs, which are added around shortcodes in tinyMCE, are removed. |
vanilla_tinymce_wpautopbr | Takes a string which is meant to have been produced by TinyMCE and possibly contains shortcodes and removes any extraneous opening and closing paragrpahs and/or breaking lines from its beginning or end. |
vanilla_widgets_get_class_declaration | Creates and returns the proper declaration of a widget class that extends Vanilla_Widget. |
vanilla_widgets_register | Registers a new Vanilla Widget |
vanilla_wpml_cleanup | Removes WMPL scripts and styles from theme. |
vanilla_wpml_get_translation | WPML helper function that gets the ID of an object's version in another language, if this object has been translated. |
vanilla_wpml_language_switcher | Create an HTML unordered list of available languages for the current post. It works for any post type the current post belongs to. |