
The 1024px width issue

The 1024px width is currently useful only in iPads in landscape orientation. Up until recently we did have laptops of 1024px width but not any more. Nowadays laptops start form 1280px. So, what should the Responsiville framework call the breakpoint at 1024 pixels. Is it a tablet or a laptop? On the one hand, talking about devices, it's only meaningful to talk about tablets of that dimension. At this dimension the user does not have a mouse, they can only tap on the screen, not hover, etc. On the other hand this dimension is big enough to allow us to show the content in almost the same way we would in a desktop device, ie have a full menu, not a burger one, etc.

So, we need two different ways to distunguish devices. One is according to their dimensions and another one is according to their capabilities, or whether they are a mobile or a desktop device. In that respect the iPad in landscape orientation is indeed a mobile device but with a "desktop" dimension. So the Responsiville framework will call this breakpoint "laptop", because it is big enough to show content as a desktop device, but it will make sure that the the Responsiville.Main.isDevice() method will return true for it.

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