
Responsiville breakpoints

Default Responsiville breakpoints are (in pixels):

breakpoint from up-to real-screens comments
small 0 320 320  still quite some mobile devices here
mobile 321 599 360


360px is the most common mobile device width nowadays, some 480px devices exist, but at 600px tablet sizes begin
tablet 600 1023 600



common device sizes are 600px, 768px is for iPad portrait, some 800px devices do exist, we do not include the 1024px iPad landscape here, so that we can style it separately
laptop 1024 1279 1024 some small, old laptops, but mainly the iPad landscape, desktop wide sizes practiacally begin here
desktop 1280 1439  1280


actual desktop and laptop screens start here, older Macbook Pro, etc, this is where we mostly target nowadays for desktop
large 1440 1679 1440  large desktop screens, older Macbook Pro
xlarge 1680 1680


 mostly Macbook Pro at 1680px, very large desktop screens, usually at 1920px, also iMac and Dell at 2560px

Remember: breakpoints are not real device widths, they are the points where one's layout shifts to adapt to a new potential device width. For instance between 0 and 320px the most common device width is 320px. Also, between 321px and 600px the most common device width is 360px. You usually care mostly from the mobile up to the laptop breakpoints and the rest will adapt easily, as they refer to desktop screen sizes.

Based on mydevice.io and screensiz.es.

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